Frying Pan River
Flow: 114cfs/below Ruedi Reservoir
Conditions: Low, clear and cold. We’re somewhat between hatches on the Frying Pan. The PMDs are still increasing in numbers weekly with the green drakes, serratellas and psuedocleons yet to hatch. It’s been kind of slim-pickens for rising fish of late BUT August generally yields the best hatches of entire year. Those looking to dry fly fish should concentrate on fishing the midday hours of noon-4pm and again at dusk from 7pm-dark for the rusty spinner fall. Despite the lesser numbers of rising fish right now, the nymph fishing has remained productive as it usually does. PMD and BWO nymphs/emergers in sizes 18-22 are best, with 6x and occasionally even 7x tippet being necessary. The lower half of the river below mile marker 6 offers much less crowds than right below the dam and believe it or not, higher numbers of bigger fish thanks to the presence of sculpins (excluding the Bend Pool/Toilet Bowl).
Dries: Silhouette Dun PMD, Sparkle Flag PMD, PMD Cripple, Melon Quill, Almost Dun PMD, Comparadun PMD, Rusty Spinner, Mini Foamulator Yellow, Hot Spot Para Wulff BWO, Sparkledun BWO, Quill Body Baetis, Almost Dun BWO, Roy’s Special Emerger, CDC Midge Adult
Nymphs: 2Bit Hookers, Pheasant Tails, BTS Baetis, CDC RS2s, Mayhems, Medallion Midge, Split Case PMD, Thorax PMD, Epoxyback PMD, Frenchie, Perdigons, Bubble-Up Mayfly, Purdee John Yellow
Streamers: Thin Mints, Baby Gonga, Sculpzillas, PSL’s, Jig Mini Bugger, Bubble Guppy