Colorado River –
Flow: 1,340 cfs/Glenwood Springs
Conditions: What in the world is going on the with the Colorado River below Glenwood Springs? Well, the way I see it there’s several contributing factors involved that all way over my intelligence and pay grade. We had high water temps all summer that forced a closure and even when the river did finally reopen, it was too discolored to really fish well anyhow. Monsoon rains, mudslides, post-fire remnants and river reconstruction on the upper river were all likely contributing factors. Even during those very rare glimpses of 2-3’ft of green water viz the fishing was subpar. That’s not to say that guides, clients and the general public didn’t catch a nice fish or two but it more often just that – a fish or two. Guides were saying that the big fish survived okay while the small to medium sized fish did not, and those that were caught looked to often be in poor health. The numbers of fish simply aren’t there anymore like they were previously. And what about the bugs – or lack thereof? Things look grim. Will the river bounce back? Undoubtedly – but it will take some time. There’s still a few holdouts, myself included, that are content with (much) less fish as long as it entails less crowds. For a good while there the stretch of river from Glenwood Springs to Rifle was Colorado’s latest fishing hot-spot. Thankfully, there’s always the NEXT Colorado fishing hotspot. Rivers and their respective fisheries ebb and flow over time frequently regaining their once elite status. I’m confident the lower Colorado will bounce back, but just like you am curious how long that might take. As we continue to fish more over the winter we hope to report back with better news.
Dries: Waiting till Fifth-Season…
Nymphs: Flashtail Eggs, Jiggy Egg, Princes, 20Inchers, Rubberlegs, Worms, TZMs, Disco Midge Red, Medallion Midge, Rainbow Warriors, 2Bits, PTs
Streamers: Autumn Splendors, Double Bunnies, Dungeons, Sculpzillas, Clousers