Roaring Fork River
Flow: 107cfs/Aspen (Jaffe Park), 210cfs/Basalt, 458cfs/Glenwood Springs
Conditions: November is by far and away THE month for the brown trout spawn – and subsequently, THE month for egg and streamer fishing. These conditions will last as long as the weather holds in the 40s. As winters’ grip takes hold in December, expect the best fishing window to take place during the afternoons and evenings. Warm, overnight low temps above 18-20’f generally equate to good, fishable conditions the following day. The lower river below Basalt and Carbondale is certainly the most reliable stretch for winter angling. The dry fly fishing has shut down for the year but anglers can expect good nymph fishing throughout. Attractor patterns for the winter consist of eggs, Rainbow Warriors, princes and small stoneflies. Euro anglers can do well with the usual perdigon/frenchie/bullet etc. More exact dropper patterns should include a variety of BWO nymphs (dark) and emergers (gray) as well as midge larva in black and red and midge emergers in black and gray. There’s not really a need to float in a drift boat or raft this time of year as wading is much more productive.
Dries: Griffiths Gnats, Triple Doubles, Roys Special Emerger, Zelon Midge, CDC RS2, Stillborn Midge
Nymphs: Flashtail Eggs, Princes, 20Inchers, Rainbow Warrior (black/pearl), PTs, 2Bits (black/olive), Sparklewing RS2, CDC RS2, Biot Emerger (black/gray), Mayhems (BWO/gray), TZMs (black/red), Disco Midge red, Bubble-Ups, Tung Tied Baetis
Streamers: Dungeons (yellow, white, black), Sculpilicious, Sculpzilla, Clousers, Autumn Splendor, Beldar Bugger, Jig Mini Bugger, PSLs