Roaring Fork River
Flow: 273cfs/Basalt, 408cfs/Glenwood Springs
Conditions: Fifth-Season is upon us finally and the fishing has been superb! Look for the best fishing to take place along the lower river from Carbondale to Glenwood. The lower elevations see the first hatches of the year and provide longer feeding windows with the additional warmth. Nymphing the deeper pools and seams are best under bright light while the opposite holds true during periods of overcast. Shade or overcast greatly aids the dry fly fisher at this time of year. During heavy midge hatches look for the fish to move into shallower waters. Some of the best fishing of the entire year is taking place during the next month! BWOs are being seen in sporadic numbers but will become the dominate hatch by months-end. Stonefly and caddis nymphs are also fishing well at attractor flies. Feel free to give us a call for daily river conditions at 970.963.5741
Dries: Griffiths Gnats, Mating Midge, Roy’s Special Emerger, Wild Turkey Emerger, Klinkhammer, Para Wulff, Quill Body Baetis, Sparkledun BWO
Nymphs: Pat’s Rubberlegs, Flashtail Eggs, Jiggy Egg, Bullets, PTs, RS2s, Biot Emergers, Mayhems, Polywings, Foam Wing Emergers, EuroFlash Black, Micro Mayfly Black, 2Bits
Streamers: Dungeons, Gongas, Sculpzillas, Thin Mints, Sculpilicious, Sculpzilla, Skully Buggers, Clousers