Roaring Fork River
Flow: 1,920cfs/Aspen, 3,410cfs/Basalt, 5,600cfs/Glenwood Springs
Conditions: River conditions are currently very high and discolored with runoff. Fishing is challenging out there currently to say the least. That said, as soon as the river clears (regardless of volume) the fish will get on the feed hard. We are right on the precipice of some absolutely sensational fishing! By the end of the month we’ll be full-bore and well into our daily fishing rhythms. The upper river from Aspen to Snowmass clears first BUT the lower river sees the year’s first hatches of drakes and PMDs due to its lower elevation and warmer temps. We like to focus on the river below our headquarters here in Bonedale as the width of the river is greater here which yields more amounts of soft, holding water for the fish. Once the river drops and clears, we generally start our search with a shallow and heavy two-fly nymph rig under a bobber (or dry/dropper/dropper). At this time of year, it’s generally of more importance to be fishing the right water (soft, slow and keeping your flies in there) than it is having the right fly. Favorite flies include Rubberleg Stones, 20Inchers, Princes, Worms, Chubbies, Rogue Stones and Tarantulas. This is the time of year when big flies are more of the rule rather than the exception. We’ll probably start to see some green drakes by the end of the month and well into July. We still have plenty of guide availability but dates have been booking quickly. Please be sure to book your guided fishing trip with as much advance notice as possible – especially if requesting your favorite guide.
Feel free to give us a call for daily river conditions at 970.963.5741
Dries: Rubberleg Stimi’s (yellow/orange), Chubby Chernobyls (golden/tan/yellow), PMXs (yellow), Foam Elk Hair Caddis (tan/brown), Royal Wulff, H&L Variant, BDE Drake, Drake Comparadun, Drake Cripple, Melon Quill, Flag Dun PMD, CDC Rusty Spinner
Nymphs: Jig Rubberlegs, Jig Zirdle, Tung. 20Inchers, Catch’s 20 Incher, BH Golden Rubber Leg, San Juan Worm, Pearl Jam, Jig Breadcrust, Jig FKAs, TB Electric Caddis, Jig Buckskin, Guides Choice, Puparazzi, Soft Hackle PTs, BH Zug Bugs, Gum Dropper (black),
Streamers: Mini Dungeon (black), Sculpzillas (white/tan), Thin Mints, Wooly Bugger (black), Clousers (white), PSLs (black/brown)