Colorado River –
Flow: 2,080 cfs/Glenwood Springs
Conditions: Cooler weather and monsoonal rains have dropped the river temperatures a bit which bodes well for the trout. Unfortunately, those frequent afternoon showers have also muddied the river. The clarity has been improving but is day to day at best (currently 12″). We haven’t done on any commercial guide trips on the river is several weeks now. As the river clears, I’d expect good streamer and hopper fishing. Your usual, tiny-and-shiny nymphs should play a big role at this time of year. Keep your fingers crossed for improved clarity. In the meantime, the Roaring Fork has been floating and fishing well.
Feel free to call us for daily river conditions 970.963.5741
Dries: Chubby Chernobyls (tan/yellow/gold), PMXs (same), Tarantulas, Fat Alberts, Rogue Foam Stone (yellow/orange), Foam Elk Hair Caddis (tan/brown), Rubber Leg Stimi (yellow/orange), Ginger Variant, Flag Dun PMD, Melon Quill, CDC Rusty Spinner
Nymphs: Jig Rubberlegs (black/coffee), Cheater Belly (brown/tan), Zirdles (tan/coffee), Jig FKA Prince, Guides Choice, Soft Hackle PT, BH Swiss Straw Emerger, Split Case PMD, Perdigons (orange/PMD), Translucent Sally, Lime Prince, Tung Sparklewing RS-2’s, Polywings, Biot Emergers, PTs, San Juan Worm (red/tan/brown)
Streamers: Goldie Articulated, Ebony Articulated, Double Bunny (white), Thin Mints, Jig Slum Lord (brown), Aggravator Prince, Wooly Bugger (black/white)