Crystal River –
Flow: 44 cfs/Redstone, 80 cfs/Carbondale
Conditions: We are finally seeing a change in the fishing on the Crystal with the longer and warmer days. Though much of the upper river above Redstone and Marble still has a ways to go, the lower river is waking-up and fishing fairly well. Midge hatches have been common most days with blue wing olives right around the corner. During sunny days nymph the deeper pools and seams midday – rising fish generally won’t be encountered until the evening hours. Overcast days can yield midday risers – don’t overlook nymphing shallower water during these periods also. Stoneflies, caddis larva and egg patterns are all good attractor flies with various midges and BWO’s as droppers. Leave the streamers at home for now as the water is still cold with the fish too lethargic to move for meals.
As always, feel free to give us a call for daily river conditions at 970.93.5741
Dries: Griffith Gnats, Zelon Midge, Stillborn Midge, Quill Body BWO Para, Sparkledun BWO, No Hackle BWO, Roy’s Special Emerger
Nymphs: Eggs, Jig Rainbow Warrior, Glass Bullets, RS2s, Mayhem Midge, 2Bits, FB Pheasant Tails
Streamers: Slump Busters, Thin Mints, Sculpzillas, PSLs, Skully Bugger, Royal Coachman Bucktail, Mickey Finn