Roaring Fork River
Flow: 150cfs/Aspen, 587cfs/Basalt, 709cfs/Glenwood Springs
Conditions: We’re officially in that micro-season between summer and fall. Cool mornings give way to pleasantly warm afternoons. Mountain folk are in shorts and puffy jackets. Leftover summer hatches are now giving way to fall hatches. Small BWO nymphs and emergers are now our go-to. Depending on water depth, we’ll fish them under a buoyant dry fly or under an indicator. The hopper fishing has still been hanging on along the lower river. Streamer junkies are are out there swinging for the fences and yielding mixed results. The fishing is only getting better and better at this point and the entire river has been fishing well from top to bottom. Bring it on!
Please be sure to book your guided fishing trip with as much advance notice as possible – especially if requesting your favorite guide. Feel free to call us for daily river conditions – 970.963.5741
FLOATERS – PLEASE BE AWARE!!! From the Colorado Parks & Wildlife:
Colorado Parks and Wildlife announces the closure of the Sam Caudill State Wildlife Area (SWA) -aka- Westbank – beginning in August for multiple improvement projects. The SWA will be closed beginning Aug. 8, 2024, with an anticipated reopening in March of 2025. During the closure, all public access to the SWA will be prohibited.
Also of note – The Three Mile Creek Shoreline Restoration Project begins Aug.5 and may impact river users through November.
Dries: Chubby Chernobyls (tan/yellow/gold), PMXs (same), Tarantulas, Fat Alberts, Foam Elk Hair Caddis (tan/brown), Rubber Leg Stimi (yellow/orange), Ginger Variant, Flag Dun PMD, Melon Quill, CDC Rusty Spinner, Royal Wulff Cripple, Para. Ants, Para Wulff BWO, Roys Special Emerger
Nymphs: Jig Rubberlegs (black/coffee), Cheater Belly (brown/tan), Zirdles (tan/coffee), Jig FKA Prince, Guides Choice, Soft Hackle PT, BH Swiss Straw Emerger, Split Case PMD, BH Barr Emerger PMD, Perdigons (orange/PMD), Translucent Sally, Lime Prince, Tung Sparklewing RS-2’s, Polywings, PTs, San Juan Worm (red/tan/brown), Polywing Emergers, BH Cheesman Emerger
Streamers: Goldie Articulated, Ebony Articulated, Double Bunny (white), Thin Mints, Jig Slum Lord (brown), Aggravator Prince, Wooly Bugger (black/white)