Colorado River –
Flow: 1,440 cfs/Glenwood Springs
Conditions: Our heralded Fifth-Season of fishing is now underway! While we’re not quite out of winter yet, the days are longer and generally warmer with a perfect, green tint to the river. We are finally seeing fish slide out of their deep wintering holes and feed on hatching insects again. By the end of March we’ll see clusters, balls and mats of midges down here. Warmth and overcast yields the best hatches. BWO’s will be sprinkled into the mix too, often right as the midge hatch peaks near the end of month. Nymphing prior to the hatches coming off has been pretty steady as of late. Often times we see the most numbers of rising fish (especially during bright, sunny days) near dusk during Fifth-Season. Due to the lower elevation here, this is the first river in the area to awaken from winters slumber. Smaller, dark streamers crawled with occasional twitches is often the go-to method for the meatheads right now. Look for the streamer fishing to pick-up as water temps slowly begin to warm.
The fly shop is loaded to the gills with a ton of new fly tying merch, new rods and reels, new logo apparel and so, so much more. Swing by and help support your local independant fly shop!
Our guides know the Colorado River intimately – let us give you the highlight of your vacation!
Feel free to call us for daily river conditions 970.963.5741
Dries: Triple Doubles, Griffiths Gnats, Stillborn Midge, Polywing Midge Adult, Adams Comparadun, Roy’s Special Emerger, CDC Comparadun, Royal Stimi
Nymphs: Tactical Turd, 20Incher, Licorice Gumdrop, BH Prince, Jig Zebra Midge, BH Polywing Emerger, Foamwing Emerger, Tung Sparklewing RS-2, Pulsating Midge Emerger, PT’s olive, 2Bit Baetis, Soft Hackle PT, Pearl Jam, Rainbow Warrior, Electric Caddis, Eggs
Streamers: Jig Thin Mint, CH BiteMe Bugger, PSL’s, Sculpzilla